Sportlyzer apps

Za klube

Coach Diary for Android

Simplify your daily tasks with Sportlyzer Coach Diary to focus on coaching and your athletes' progress. The app also works without constant internet access - use it at a training camp, when traveling, etc.

Play Store Download latest APK Preberi več

Coach Diary for iOS

Simplify your daily tasks with Sportlyzer Coach Diary to focus on coaching and your athletes' progress. The app also works without constant internet access - use it at a training camp, when traveling, etc.

App Store   Preberi več

Za igralce in starše

Sportlyzer Player for Android

With our new app, players get full access to their calendar, view invoices, read messages, see test results, and more.

Available soon on Google Play Download beta APK

Sportlyzer Player for iOS

With our new app, players get full access to their calendar, view invoices, read messages, see test results, and more.

Available soon on App Store  

Player App for Android (old)

Aplikacija Mobile Player deluje kot komunikacijsko orodje med igralcem in klubom. Z aplikacijo bodo igralci dobili popoln pregled nad svojim treningom, ne da bi morali vsakič kontaktirati trenerja.

Play Store Download latest APK Preberi več

Player App for iOS (old)

Aplikacija Mobile Player deluje kot komunikacijsko orodje med igralcem in klubom. Z aplikacijo bodo igralci dobili popoln pregled nad svojim treningom, ne da bi morali vsakič kontaktirati trenerja.

App Store   Preberi več
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